About the Club
We are a private members Sports and Social Club located at the junction of the Birmingham New Road and Spring Road in Ettingshall. Post code WV4 6LQ. New members are welcome to join the Club at a very reasonable annual subscription. The Club opening hours are as follows:
Opening Hours

Sports Activities
Snooker, Darts, Dominoes and where, when restrictions allow, we have teams operating in local leagues.
A crown green bowling green is also available for use by Club members with teams operating in local leagues.
A Rifle and Pistol Range is also on the site and which members of the Forty Four Club can join on application.
Separate annual fees are payable on joining the Rifle Section where strict conditions on its use apply.

Function Room for Hire
A recently totally refurbished Function Room is also available for hire.
There is seating capacity for 70 people and a total capacity of 90. The Function Room is available for all occasions, including Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Christenings and Funerals.
We do not accept 18 and 21 year old birthday parties. We provide a catering facility of good quality food at reasonable prices which are available on request, or hirers of the Function Room can arrange their own food if required.
To book please call Andy Frazer on 01902 492170 or 07968 667897.
Take a Look Around
See what the Forty Four Club looks like. Click into each image to see a larger version.